​Triple P in 2024 - 2027 (Triple P 2)

How to participate?

 The Following project

The Call will be published in September 2024. 

It will be published here on this website and on the official page of the Ministery: mzd.gov.cz.

Please send your application according to the instruction in the Call.

Applicants will be contacted byt our implementation team.

What's new?

New Triple P Program Level 4 will be introduced in Czech republic. It is called "Triple P Group Teen" and can be used by parents of 13-18 year old children.

The Practitioners will be trained in Group Triple P Level 4 (for parents of children in age 0-12) as well as in the Triple P Group Teen Program. They can realise group courses for parents of both age groups of children after the training. 

​Do you want to join the project or get more information?

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Projekt Rozšíření systému Triple P – Programu pozitivního rodičovství v rámci České republiky, reg. č. CZ.03.02.02/00/22_031/0004247 je realizován v rámci Operačního programu Zaměstnanost plus spolufinancovaného Evropskou unií z Evropského sociálního fondu